Introducing our manufacturing sites.

With the aim of maintaining not only quality but also a safe environment and productivity at our production sites, we are engaged in 5S activities and other workplace improvement activities on a daily basis. Some of these activities are introduced below.

5S Activities

What is “5S”?

The generic name for the five words beginning with the S’s of “seiri,” “seiton,” “seiso,” “seiketsu,” and “shitsuke,” these refer primarily to actions that should be taken to improve and maintain the workplace environment in the manufacturing industry.


Separate what is necessary from what is unnecessary and put away what is unnecessary.


Establish the correct placement of items so that they are available when needed.


Constantly clean and make it easy to detect abnormalities.


To create a system in which the 3Ss (Seiri, Seiton, and Seisou) can be repeated and maintained.


Decide on the correct way to place them and create the habit of following through with your decision.

The 5S activities are implemented to improve the productivity of the entire work site by improving quality and work efficiency, reducing defective losses, and ensuring the safety of the work environment.

Below are some of the 5S activities we have implemented.

Examples of Activities


  1. Hard to tell if production supplies are missing.
  2. Unorganized and took a long time to arrange for delivery out of the warehouse.

Improvement points

  1. Designated a storage area and visualized the number of inventory items.

  2. To make it easier to use, we started to manage the different types of equipment separately.


  1. Unnecessary items were placed in the work area.
  2. Placement of tools, equipment, etc. was not specified.

Improvement points

  1. Removed unwanted materials and made the environment safe.

  2. To monitor the use of tools, equipment, etc., a storage area has been established.


  1. Stationery and supplies were left damaged.
  2. Even unused items were placed.

Improvement points

  1. Equipment was checked for condition and any damaged items were discarded.

  2. We have reduced the number of equipment orders by managing fixed locations and deciding what to share.


  1. Materials were placed in a disorganized way, so it takes time to find them.
  2. Missing materials are not visible.


  1. Organized the placement and managed the identification.

  2. In order to keep track of material shortages, management is now done by Max -Min stock.

Bronze Award at Thailand 5S Award!

Bronze Award

SAward is a convention organized by the Thai-Japan Technology Promotion Association (TPA) to promote correct 5S activities, progress to the international level, and share 5S activities by companies and organizations.

This is the first time that our company has participated in the “Thailand 5S Award” and received the Bronze Award!


Document and Examination




Factory audit


Factory audit【Follow-up Audit】


Final Presentation

This was a valuable opportunity for us to present the results of our activities based on JOHNAN SIAM’s 5S system. We will continue to promote 5S activities and provide high quality services to our customers.